Training Program for Enhancing the Adoption of Mobile Health by Persons with Mental Health Problems
Welcome to Mental Mobile Health project.
The Mental Mobile Health project brings together 7 partners in order to cooperate in the field of mental health. In the context of the implementation, a strong emphasis will be placed on increasing the competences of persons with mental health problems (PMHP) through the adoption of mobile health (mHealth) solutions and developing an Experiential Training Methodology based in a “learning by doing” approach, where they will be involved in self-management situations and will use real mHealth.
Action: Mental Health
Grand Agreement Number: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000088238
Programme: Erasmus +
Duration: 31/12/2022 – 31/12/2024

Work Packages
The Implementation of the project will be structured along the following WPs:

WP1: Project Management
This work package is to monitor the progress, quality and achievement of the project’s outputs and outcomes.
WP1: Project Management

WP2: Development of an Experiential Training Methodology
The main aim of these activities is to To develop an Experiential Training Methodology for increasing the awareness and competences of PMHP about mHealth identifying the key aspects and tools that concerns for the successful implementation of mobile health solutions for PMHP and the specificities affecting each country, to be considered in the development of the training program.
WP2: Development of an Experiential Training Methodology

WP3: Development of an Experiential Training Methodology
The main aim of these activities is to develop a Trainer´s Guide and a set of Training Resources for Trainers for enhancing the implementation of the training methodology and a set of Training Materials for PHMC for enhancing their successful involvement in the training process
and acquisition of competences. Moreover, to implement pilot training actions for validating the quality of the training program and its capacity for increasing the
competences of PMHP.
WP3: Development of a Training Package

WP4: Development of a Digital Training Tool
The main aim of these activities is to develop a Digital Training Tool for enhancing the implementation of the training methodology and training PMHP in simulated processes and functionalities related with self-management and mHealth.
Additionally, to implement pilot training actions for validating the quality of the training program and its capacity for increasing the competences of PMHP regarding the improvement of their self-management through the adoption of mobile health (mHealth) solutions.
WP4: Development of a Digital Training Tool

WP5: Sharing, promotion and sustainability activitie
To be Updated.
WP5: Sharing, promotion and sustainability activitie

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000088238