
The project consists of the following partners:

Fundatia Estuar

Estuar Foundation was established in 1993 by the Penumbra Foundation in Scotland and the Romanian League for Mental Health with the mission to provide social and alternative options to adults with mental health problems for their inclusion in the Romanian community. In 30 years we have been able to respond to the changing needs of our beneficiaries, adults with mental health problems, by identifying the necessary resources to enable us to do so. Since 2013 we have been recognised by the Romanian state as having public utility status. We work in public-private partnership with local public institutions of social assistance, education, employment but also at European level. We work "on the grass roots" and we are open to everything that means social innovation, multidisciplinary partnerships and involvement of beneficiaries. We are the first organisation in Romania to offer sheltered housing to adults with mental health problems, a community-based alternative to admission to psychiatric hospitals. We are the only ones providing this service on a permanent basis in the three sheltered housing facilities in Bucharest since 1994. See more on


ASM Foundation, is a non-profit organization, with a social assistance character and constituted with the aim of addressing the socio-health care, recovery and residence of people with severe mental illness (SMI). Our activity is based on specialized care for people with mental illness who require support for the recovery of those skills and abilities that allow them to live as independently as possible in their immediate environment.

SENT - Slovensko zdruzenje za dusevno zdravj

ŠENT - The Slovenian Asociation for Mental Health - is a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian organisation established to aid individuals with mental health issues, those in temporary mental distress, as well as their relatives and anyone else interested in mental health. ŠENT was established in 1993. The Association is active in the fields of social welfare, health, education, employment and others. It holds the status of a humanitarian organization granted by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs on the basis of its humanitarian activities. Our programmes and activities include: ► psychosocial rehabilitation of people with mental health problems ► improvement of their social situation ► creating opportunities for independent and quality living


NGO „Mental Health Perspectives” is a non-governmental organization established in the year 2000, working in the fields of mental health and human rights. Our vision: all mental health conditions are perceived as meaningful human experiences and nobody suffers discrimination or derogation as a result of it. Our mission: to establish human rights based approach to mental health with empathy, respect and person-centered services being at the core of it. PSP has successfully carried out more than 60 national and international projects. We conduct research and analyses, carry out trainings, run advocacy campaigns and monitor human rights, participate in policy making and educate the public about mental health from a biopsychosocial, individual-oriented, and human rights-based perspective.


Founded in 1965, Ruhr University Bochum is a place for innovative and globally engaged research, teaching, talent development and transfer. With its concept of excellent interdisciplinary and globally engaged research, Ruhr University is one of the highest performing universities in Germany. In nine Research Departments, RUB scientists work together on interdisciplinary research foci. In these they overcome the boundaries between the subjects and strengthen the exchange - also beyond RUB within the University Alliance Ruhr and between universities in Germany and abroad. The junior professorship for Health and E-Health researches the impact of digitization on the healthcare sector. It focuses on questions of how (digital) technology can be developed and designed in a participatory manner and which factors affect the implementation of digital technology and how.


The Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organisation, located in Larissa, Greece. Its main mission is bringing open innovation in different areas of the applications, based on the large partnership of stakeholders. Through the creation of a symbiotic alliance between the society, the academia and the Industry, Innovation Hive’s goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, to achieve Growth, Sustainability and maximize the impact to the society.

Asociatia Four Change

Established in 2012, Four Change Association emerged from the shared aspiration of a group of specialists to instigate positive and significant transformations in both the NGO sector and the broader community. Since its inception, the association has successfully implemented 28 projects, leveraging European funds and collaborating with Romanian partners. These projects span diverse areas, encompassing social services, educational programs for both children and adults, professional training initiatives for the unemployed and employed alike, community development endeavors, as well as lobbying and advocacy efforts. Engaging over 10,000 beneficiaries from seven Romanian counties, Four Change Association has left a lasting impact through various activities. In 2014, the association achieved accreditation as a provider of professional training, and in 2016, it gained recognition as a social services provider. Notably, it became the pioneering organization offering such services for the elderly in rural areas of Giurgiu County. As a testament to its commitment to excellence, Four Change Association is a founding member of SenioriNET and an active participant in FONSS, the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Services.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000088238

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